How to Unclog Grease From Kitchen Sink – Best DIY Approach

If your kitchen sink is clogged by grease, this is a very common and frustrating problem for homeowners.

Then, it is very important to understand how to unclog grease from kitchen sink by yourself.

As such, a clogged sink not only creates trouble in your daily work but also creates unpleasant odors and damages your plumbing system.

Over time, as we wash and cook dishes, grease builds up in sink drainage pipes.

Which sticks to the walls of the drainage pipe in which food particles adhere and form a blockage.

So you should know how to remove grease from kitchen sink pipes yourself, which will save you money and time as well.

How to Tell if Your Drain is Clogged with Grease?

How to Tell if Your Drain is Clogged with Grease

Check out my five pointers for when you can tell your kitchen sink is clogged with grease. 🚨

  • Slow drainage: The water in the sink will be draining very slowly.
  • Gurgling sounds: As the water pushes through the grease clog, it creates air bubbles that cause the gurgling sound.
  • Standing water: If the sink water is stagnant and doesn’t go down the drain, it’s probably due to grease.
  • Visible Grease Residue: Inspect the drain by removing the cover for greasy residue. Presence indicates accumulation.
  • Disliked odor: A steady, oily smell that does not go away, even after cleaning, is a big sign of grease clogging.

If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, you need to deal with grease clogs.

So, here I have given you a step-by-step DIY method on how to unclog grease from the kitchen sink so you can solve it yourself.

Unclog Grease From Kitchen Sink: Step-by-Step DIY Guide (Without Using Cleaners)

Try my 5 DIY methods to remove kitchen sink pipe grease yourself instead of calling an expensive plumber.

Before starting the DIY project, gather the necessary tools and materials, which I have listed below.

I have also provided a link to purchase the items you will not have, which will earn me a small commission.

Step 1: Plunging the Sink Drain

Plunging the Sink Drain

First of all, start by plunging the drain with a plunger around 10 to 15 times, using some force to help dislodge the grease clog.

Before you begin, remember to cover any other open drains with rags. Use rubber gloves during the full-off of the entire step.

Make sure to have a bucket underneath the kitchen sink to collect water splashes.

Keep in mind that this method is not completely for grease clogs, but it can give you a solid starting point.

Mint Craft Drain Plunger

Black, 4″ Mint Craft Drain Plunger (MINTCRAFT 8317-B)

This is best for cleaning kitchen drains clogged by grease.

Step 2: Use Baking Soda and Vinegar

Use Baking Soda and Vinegar to unclog kitchen sink drain

After plunging the clogged drain, the drain grease clog was not removed, then moved to my second step.

Then, place a bottle of baking soda and vinegar on the kitchen counter.

Now, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda into the sink drain, followed by 1/2 cup of vinegar.

It starts a chemical reaction with the help of baking soda and vinegar, which helps break down the grease from the drain.

Then, let sit for 10 to 15 minutes before flushing with hot water to allow the baking soda and vinegar mixture to remove grease from the surface of the pipe.

HAMMER Baking Soda

ARM & HAMMER Baking Soda Made in the USA

Your go-to, multipurpose solution for cleaning and deodorizing around your home

Step 3: Boiling Water Flush

Boiling Water Flush in the kitchen drain

Then next, boil a large pot of water, then carefully and slowly pour it down the kitchen sink drain.

This method is known to melt the grease due to which we can easily remove the clogging of the pipe.

To ensure thorough cleaning, follow up by using a drain snake to capture any debris that has been loosened.

Step 4: Use Drain Snake

Use Drain Snake To unclog kitchen sink drain

After flushing the bowling water, now use the drain snake to run it up and down your drainage pipe to flush out any grease that may have accumulated in it.

Then, slowly insert the end into the drain pipe, twisting to hook onto the gunk.

Once it is successfully hooked, gently pull out clumps of grease and hair.

Forlivese Plumbing Snake Drain Auger

Forlivese Plumbing Snake Drain Auger

Best kitchen sink drain snake for help in removing grease from the drain

Step 5: Remove the P-Trap

Remove the P-Trap for unclog the kitchen sink

Finally, if needed, we can remove the section of the curved P-Trap under the sink so that we can flush out the accumulated grease.

For this, place a bucket under it, put rags near it, and start.

Be sure to clean the removed P-Trap before refitting it to ensure that no grease remains.

This way, you can remove the grease accumulated in your kitchen sink yourself.

How Do I Unclog Grease From Sink With Drain Cleaner?

How Do I Unclog Grease From Sink With Drain Cleaner

If you want to unclog grease from your drain with a drain cleaner, then you can choose an enzyme-based product.

Read the steps for using cleaner in clog kitchen.

  1. Pour 1/4 bottle cleaner slowly into the clogged drain.
  2. Allow to work for 15-20 minutes or until drain clears.
  3. Then, flush with hot water. After that, repeat if necessary.

What is the Best Drain Cleaner for Kitchen Sink Grease?

For this cleaning, I recommend DrainOut product, which offers a plant-based, environmentally gentle drain cleaner.

Best Drain Cleaner
Drain OUT Kitchen Drain Opener and Drain Cleaner

Drain OUT Kitchen Drain Opener and Drain Cleaner

Food and Grease Remover

Strong and safe for use in the environment, this kitchen drain cleaner

It is not necessarily bad for the environment; that’s why DrainOut products are designed to be powerful, effective, and safe for the environment.

DrainOut Kitchen Drain Cleaner is specially formulated to clean kitchen clogs.

Unlike harsh chemical cleaners, DrainOut is safe for your pipes and septic system.

It blasts through tough grease, and food debris clogs kitchen drains quickly, and with regular use, clogs slow-flowing drains.

When to Call a Professional to Remove Grease From Kitchen Sink?

When to Call a Professional to Remove Grease From Kitchen Sink

The DIY method above can clean your grease clogs, but sometimes you need a professional.

If your sink still has standing water due to grease or slow draining after the DIY solution, the pipe clog may be very tight and hard to reach.

At such times, a professional plumber is needed to check and remove such serious blockages.

Which have industrial drain snakes with high-pressure jets and drain scoping cameras.

Professionals may be expensive, but by calling a plumber, you can prevent pipe damage and save money in the long run.

Preventing Future Grease Clogs in Your Kitchen Sink

Preventing Future Grease Clogs in Your Kitchen Sink

Now, you have successfully removed the grease from your kitchen sink drain.

It is important to take some preventive measures to remove such clogs in the future. Here are some tips I have given.

  • Never put grease or oil down the drain. Instead, collect it in a container and dispose of it in the trash.
  • Use a sink strainer to catch food particles in the sink and prevent them from going down the drain.
  • Clean pots, pans, and cooking utensils with paper towels before washing them in the sink
  • Clean your sink and pipes once a week using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to prevent grease buildup.
  • Also, regularly flush your drains with boiling water to keep them clean

By following all these simple tips, we can free our kitchen sink from grease clogs and ensure smooth draining.

MR.SIGA Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink Strainer

MR.SIGA Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink Strainer

The outside rim secures the drain strainer over the drain.

Can You Put Degreaser Down the Drain?

No, definitely you can not put degreaser down in your kitchen sink drain. ⛔️

Here, I give you three points on why not to use a degreaser:

  • Clogs: Grease can dissolve, but it then solidifies, causing poor clogs.
  • Environment: Harsh chemicals harm beneficial bacteria in septic systems and wastewater treatment plants. ❌
  • Pipes: Degreasers can damage or corrode your pipes, leading to costly repairs.

But if you use the Drainout Cleaner I recommend above, it won’t harm your kitchen drainage and septic system.

It is beneficial to use the steps I showed you above rather than using a degreaser that is an environmentally friendly degreaser system.


How long does it take for grease to clog a drain?

Grease build-up in kitchen sink drainage lines that cause sink clogs occurs gradually over several months.

Regularly, a small amount of oil and fat sticks to it, which prevents the flow of water.

How do I prevent grease buildup in my sink?

To prevent grease buildup in your sink, use sink strainers, limit fats down the drain, collect oils in jars to reuse or trash, and use baking soda and vinegar monthly to clean grease buildup.

Can grease clogs lead to more severe plumbing issues?

Yes, grease clogs, if left untreated, can lead to more serious plumbing problems, leaks, and more expensive plumbing repairs.

Should I avoid using soap in my kitchen sink to prevent grease clogs?

Using soap does not cause grease clogs, which occurs because the oil and fat are not properly removed during dishwashing.

Are there eco-friendly methods to unclog a grease-filled sink?

Yes, cleaning can be done using a combination of baking soda and vinegar or even an enzyme-based cleaner for an environmentally friendly approach.


In conclusion, here you can save yourself money and frustration by learning how to unclog grease from kitchen sink.

Before calling a plumber, follow these DIY steps using common household items.

By keeping the tips in my article in mind, you will be able to keep your kitchen sink working and remove the blockages easily.

Let me know in the comments if these grease-clogging removal tips fix your clogged drain system.

Umesh Salunkhe

Hi, I am Umesh Salunkhe, a kitchen and bathroom sink lover. I have a huge knowledge of sink installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting. I promote a DIY approach to a sink on the Sink Tips website.

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